A self driven community of Python enthusiasts spreading good vibes.

Event details

[VIRTUAL] PyAmsterdam.union('Python Ireland')

Wednesday 27 May 2020 19:30

Are you dealing with isolation due to COVID-19? Are you missing your friends from the Python community? PyAmsterdam is also moving online to help you!

This opportunity we are going to co-host with our friends from Python Ireland

Python Online meetup May 27th 2020

A link to join the Zoom meeting will be available for you after RSVP.

Python Ireland

Python Ireland [1] is a group for anyone interested in learning more about the Python programming language. We aim to hold a meetup every month on a variety of topics from Computer Science, finance, research, big data and more, with a focus on Python-related technologies.

It is suitable for all levels and new people are always welcome.

Due to Covid-19, we are trying to keep the community even more united and engaged so we have been running some extra online events independently and on a consortium-base, if you wish to talk, please send us an email on or find us on twitter as @PythonIreland [2].

We also have an annual conference in November called PyCon Ireland. If you are interested in hearing more about this conference, or our group please check out our website at (



Schedule is in CEST (UTC+02:00)

19:30 Opening / General Python news
20:00 WORKSHOP: Chatbot from Command Line
20:30 Q&A
21:00 Lightning talks
21:30 Closing (if no further interest)

The workshop:

In this workshop, you will get to build your first chatbot from the command line using Rasa open source and Python.

You'll build an assistant that can:

  • detect what the intent of the user is;
  • parse the text to retrieve important references;
  • use custom python code in the conversation;
  • stick to predefined stories (we'll see a hugging face demo to demonstrate why this is a nice thing);
  • actively learn from your conversations.

We'll also briefly discuss topics in NLP in general, like named entity recognition, but the main goal though is to get a working assistant running locally.

Rasa works on top of TensorFlow 2 but you won't need to be familiar with it to get it to run.

If you're new to python, or if you want to make a head start, then you may appreciate these two installation guides for Rasa:

The workshopper

Vincent D. Warmerdam is a Research Advocate at Rasa where he helps the research team explain and explore modern NLP algorithms for digital assistants. You may have seen him before at PyData. You can usually find him on stage defending common sense over hype, but you may also have seen some of his open source projects (scikit-lego, evol and whatlies) or some of his online videos (spaCy, algorithm whiteboard). He blogs over at [3].

Looking forward to have you all there, folks!

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